Monday, January 27, 2014

Fifth Whitsunday Writers’ Festival

Preparations are underway for the fifth annual Whitsunday Writers’ Festival.  A new committee has been formed and they are hoping the festival will grow to become a large scale community event as well as literary destination.  The festival will kick-off on Friday the 10th October with an opening ceremony to be held at the VMR.  “We want the days to be all about writing, reading, books and words – at night though, the festival will change shape – hosting live theatre performances, a comedy night and a long-table lunch with live music on the last day – it is going to be a great opportunity for anyone living in the area who is interested to get involved”.  Gloria Burley founded the festival in 2009 hosting the event at both Coral Sea Resort and Daydream Island.  Past authors have included Susan Wyndham, Literary Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald and David Hill former head of the ABC.  The festival will be divided into five streams – travel writing, self-publishing, memoirs/life stories, writing methodology and the love of reading . It is an intimate festival with venues chosen for their outdoor, beautiful setting – a place for people to be inspired – get together and exchange thoughts, words and ideas.
This year Peter Fitzsimons is the key speaker – he has written 25 books and is the most prolific non fiction writer in Australia.  David Reiter, is a publisher who will show us how to blog, give budding authors a publisher's point of view and even offer the opportunity to talk to him directly about your book. Jenni Ogden will offer case histories from her dealings with people suffering from brain tumours and the like.  Other speakers will present talks and workshops on varied subjects.
Tickets will be on sale from lst July and can be bought directly through the website.  People can buy tickets to individual events with ticket prices starting from $25 and three-hour workshops from $90.  There will also be free events open to anybody but bookings are essential and will fill up fast.
For free newsletter please send your details to
If you would like to be involved in this event you can call 0450 636 4920450 636 492.